Cessna 172s checklist pdf
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Cessna 172s checklist pdf
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brakes apply. User consents to and understands that American Flight Schools bears no liability for the use of this Cessna S Cessna S Preflight ChecklistF O R T RAI NI NG P URP O SE S O NL Y Ce s s na S CH E CK L I ST L E Avi ati on. BEFORE ENGINE teFuel Drain ssenger and Lock 5 CESSNA S NORMAL PROCEDURES CHECKLIST v *This is to be used as a REFERENCE ONLY, it is not a substitute for the Airplane Flight Manual. magnetos off Cessna S Checklists Rev(09/07) Speeds and Weights Std VSkts. VA kts. Most explanatory items, notes cautions and warnings have been omitted for brevity. mixture. magnetos off. fuel shutoff (pull out) off. CESSNA S G NORMAL CHECKLIST CESSNA S G NORMAL CHECKLIST PREFLIGHT PRE-START RUNUP PRE-TAKEOFF DESCENT Short File SizeKB Cessna CS (Nav III) Normal Checklist. flaps pitotretract. VFE /kts RAM Aviation Cessna S RAM Aviation Cessna S SPEEDS (MPH) Vso CESSNA Pilot’s Checklist MODEL S NAV III GFC AFCS SCLBUS NPilot’s Checklist CESSNA MODEL S NAV III GFC AFCS PREFLIGHT INSPECTION (Continued)CABIN (Continued) Forward Avionics FanCHECK AVIONICS Switch (BUS 1)OFF AVIONICS Switch (BUS 2)ON C CESSNA SKYHAWK Quick Reference Normal Operating Checklist For use only with an approved Cessna checklist REMEMBER TO CLOSE YOUR VFR FLIGHT PLAN! master switch off avionics. VA kts. VNE kts. mixture idle cut-off. Procedures in red/bold text of this checklist should be committed to memory Cessna S Checklist PREFLIGHT INSPECTION CABINPitot Tube CoverREMOVE, check opening for blockageDocuments (AROW)AVAILABLE IN THE AIRPLANEAirplane Weight and BalanceCHECKEDParking BrakeSETControl Wheel LockREMOVEIgnition SwitchOFFAvionics Master SwitchOFF WARNING When turning on the master CESSNA S G NORMAL CHECKLIST CESSNA S G NORMAL CHECKLIST PREFLIGHT PRE-START RUNUP PRE-TAKEOFF DESCENT Short FieldFlaps Full, Approach, Clear' obs, touchdown on spot, Retract flaps, Max brakes Soft FieldFull Flaps, Approach, Touchdown as soft/slow as possible, keep nose off runway Short Fieldflaps, Brakes csp emergency & abnormal checklist (continued) throttle idle. airspeed (flaps up/down)/kias. mixture idle cut-off. VNE kts. REMEMBER TO CLOSE YOUR VFR FLIGHT GENERAL INFO R S NORMAL TAKEOFF PRE-TAKEOFF Short Fieldflaps, Brakes hold, Power full, BrakeCESSNA R/S NORMAL CHECKLIST CESSNA Checklist Feedback Form BEFORE STARTING ENGINEPreflight teAircraft tePassenger Cessna S Checklists Rev(09/07) Speeds and Weights Std VSkts. VXkts. VSkts. BEFORE START RAM Aviation Cessna S RAM Aviation Cessna S NORMAL TAKEOFF OPEN Engine Rotate KTS C CESSNA SKYHAWK Quick Reference Normal Operating Checklist. R e v i si o n N u m b e r For use only with an approved Cessna checklist. standby throttlebattery off. VSkts. throttle idle. VYkts. flaps as required. VYkts. VNO kts. VFE /kts Normal Procedures Cessna S Checklist Clermont County/Sporty’s Airport Batavia, OH Challenge Response AIRCRAFT ACCEPTANCE Solberg Aviation Cessna Checklist REVISED PREFLIGHT INSPECTION CabinAROWAircraft InspectionsCHECKEDControl Wheel cessna s g flight checklist preflight avionis masteron enroute climb ert/ doon oard flapsup airspeedkiasCessna S CHECKLIST Leading Edge AviationAircraft Checklist Cessna S This is an abbreviated checklist. VNO kts. VXkts. User assumes all risk of use in using this product. *Refer to AFM/POH for amplified procedures.