Bushfire survival plan pdf
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Bushfire survival plan pdf
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This guide can help you make that ision and assist you with the steps in Bushfire Survival Plan. Fires can be dangerous, so be alert for fires in Information for businesses will help you plan your organisation's Bushfire Survival Plan. The Fire Danger Rating is less than ‘extreme’. Act. Survive. Your plan. Severe What does it mean? So don't waitcreate yourMinute Bushfire Plan now for you, your family, and your pets and livestock Plan for your pets and livestock. ModeratePlan and prepare HighBe ready to act ExtremeTake action now CatastrophicLeave bushfire risk area Advice Watch and Act Emergency warning There is a fire about bush fires and bush fire safety. There are many practical measures you can take Your safety and survival during a bushfire will depend on how prepared you are and the isions you make, and a written plan will take the pressure off you and avoid arguments and delays. ModeratePlan and prepare HighBe ready to act ExtremeTake action now CatastrophicLeave bushfire risk area Advice Watch and Act Emergency warning detailed leave-early plan to ensure everyone understands what to do and when. If they are in an area that is affected by a bush fire, such as at work or on holiday, they will be able to make the safest choicesMake basic preparations to your home. Be ready to act if necessary. Download the four simple steps today SURVIVAL PLAN. In a bush fire, it’s important that you stay up to date on conditions in your area. Staying to defend a well prepared property during a bushfire always carries the risk of injury or death. Make a Bushfire Survival Plan Know the warning signs Sometimes you will hear a warning about a bushfire. However, defending your home is a reasonable choice if: Your property is well-prepared. This guide can help you make that ision and assist you with the steps in preparing yourself, your family and your home Plan for your pets and livestock. You are physically fit and emotionally prepared. The Victorian Government has developed an STEP 4KEEP UP TO DATE WITH ALL BUSH FIRE INFORMATION NUMBERS, SITES AND APPS. Will you have to travel from work into the You must plan your own survival. When the Fire Danger Rating is Extreme or Catastrophic, leaving the night before or early in the morning is the safest option for your survival. Keep yourself informed and monitor conditions. Well prepared homes that are actively defended can provide safety – but only stay if you are physically and mentally prepared to defend in these conditions Preparing reduces the threat of bushfires to you and your property, makes neighbourhoods and communities safer, and allows for you and firefighters to beter defend your property. One of the most important things to do before a bush fire is to ide what you will do if one should start. Sheltering in an unprepared house without active defence is extremely dangerous. leave earlysurvIval Plan ProtectIveclothIng emergencysurvIval KIt stay and defendsurvIval Plan mythbusters KIds It means that a fire has started. Plan and prepare and be ready to act if there is a fire. Make a Bushfire Survival Plan Know the warning signs Sometimes you will hear a warning about a bushfire. Use the boxes below to list tasks. An informed ision about whether you will leave for a safer place or stay. and actively defend. Most people who die in BUSHFIRE SU RVIVAL PLAN Prepare. Download Step(PDF, KB). It’s a fact. It means that a fire has started. Leaving early is the safest option for your survival. plan. Have a contingency plan Have a contingency plan – what will you do if you can’t SURVIVAL PLAN. Know who is going to leave early and who is going to stay. are you at rIsKof a bush fIre? HIGH BE READY TO ACT At HIGH, be ready to act. In a bush fire, it’s important that you stay up to date on conditions in your area. One of the most important things to do before a bush fire is to ide what you will do if one should start. However, defending your home is a reasonable choice if: Your property is well-prepared. If you and your home are well prepared, you stand a better chance of surviving a bush fire. Act. Survive. Embers can travel many kilometres ahead of a fire, so even if you are not directly threatened by a bush fire, you PrePare your bush fIre survIval Plan PrePare your ProPerty fIre danger ratIngs leave early KeePIng yourself Informed stay and defendWELCOME PREPARE. If you need more information or have questions contact the Information Hotline on(TTY) Joining a Community Fire Safe group will help you develop a bushfire survival plan that suits your household, with help from your neighbours and Create your Bushfire Survival Plan Take charge Someone must take charge and lead the household through this emotional experience by carefully communicating the various tasks set out in the plan. Disruptions to services such as power and water are common during bushfire survival. The Fire Danger Rating is less than ‘extreme’ BUSHFIRE SU RVIVAL PLAN Prepare. is critical. MUST include: Your triggers to leave or start defending. You are physically fit and emotionally prepared. Conditions can changeIn Victoria the bushfire season is long and is getting longer, a written plan will help reduce uncertainty and anxiety. If you and your home are well prepared, you stand a better chance of surviving a bush fire. Download the four simple steps today STEPKNOW THE BUSH FIRE ALERT LEVELS M O D E R A T E C H I G H E X T R E M E A T A S T R O P H I C RATINGS AND WHAT TO DO MODERATE PLAN AND PREPARE At MODERATE, most fires can be controlled. ACT. SuRvivE. Use the Bushfire survival planning template – Leaving early (PDF MB) to help you write down your plan. What will you do if you have sent the children to school that day? Who will leave early? A back-up plan. Staying to defend a well prepared property during a bushfire always carries the risk of injury or death. Download Step(PDF, KB). It’s a fact. Pets: When will they go? Remember, any bushfire plan – written or not – is better than no plan. Think of different triggers that will cause your household to leave early. Your plan will help you avoid making last minute isions that could prove deadly during a bushfire.