Ams-qq-a-250/4 pdf

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Ams-qq-a-250/4 pdf

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With improved fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth, AMS QQA /4 continues to maintain strength characteristics Scope. Specific requirements for plate and sheet of a particular alloy are covered by the applicable detail specification (See) Specific requirements for plate and sheet of a particular alloy are covered by the applicable detailed specification (see)Classification This specification covers the specific requirements for aluminum alloy plate and sheet; the general requirements are covered in AMS-QQ-A Because of its good machinability and superior grain structure, Alloy plate is essential for precision fittings and parts. Customers who bought this document also bought: ASTM-A Standard Because of its good machinability and superior grain structure, Alloy plate is essential for precision fittings and parts. A medium to high strength alloy with, dependent upon temper, minimum Proof Stress up toksi Mpa and minimum Tensile Strength up toksi MPa AMS-QQ-A/4B stabilizes this specification because it is no longer state of the art and equivalent technical requirements are contained in other SAE Aerospace Material Specifications. Though this alloy does not have good corrosion • Bare: AMS-QQ-A/4, AMS, AMS, ASTM B Clad: AMS-QQ-AA/5, AMS AMS, ASTM B Hi-Form™ O can be procured by specifications SAE AMS QQ-A/4 SheetMechanical Property Value; Proof StressMin MPa: Tensile StrengthMin MPa: Elongation AmmMin % Mechanical Properties AMS-QQ-A/4, T3 재질은 알루미늄 합금 두랄루민입니다. Commercial BARE. Typical specifications are ASTM B, AMS-QQ-A/4 and AMS QQ-A/4 'T3' Sheet. 알루미늄으로는 높은 강도인 항복강도 American Specification Aluminium AMS QQA /4 al is specified for use in the aerospace and military sector in fuselage applications in such areas as structures and wing tension members. Sheet and Plate 형상 제품으로, 주로 항공기용 소재로 사용됩니다. SAE AMS QQ A /4 Alloy QQ A /4 Chemical Element % Present; Aluminium (Al) balance: Other (Each) max: Chromium (Cr) max: Titanium (Ti) max SAE AMS QQ-A/4 Alloy QQ A /4 Chemical Element % Present; Aluminium (Al) balance: Other (Each) max: ChromiumAluminium alloy QQ-A/4 has SAE AMS QQ-A/4 Sheet Property Value Proof StressMin MPa Tensile Strength Min MPa Elongation AmmMin % Mechanical Properties shown are for '0' SAE AMS QQ A /4 Alloy QQ A /4 Element % Present Copper (Cu)Aluminium (Al) Balance ALLOY DESIGNATIONS Aluminium alloy QQ-A/4 has ,  · All bare sheets and plates meet AMS-QQ-A/All Alclad sheets meet AMS-QQ-A/T3 bare also meets AMS T3 Alclad AMS-QQ-A/4 › Aluminum AlloyThis document is available in either Paper or PDF format. STABILIZATION NOTICE AMSQQA This specification covers the general requirements for aluminum and aluminum alloy plate and sheet. This specification covers the general requirements for aluminum and aluminum alloy plate and sheet. Though this alloy does not have good corrosion resistance, welding by resistance method is feasible.