Amann serafil farbkarte pdf

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Amann serafil farbkarte pdf

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com unser management- system ist zertifiziert gemäß our management system is certified according to moreover, amann participates in greenpeace detox campaign. kg hauptstraßebönnigheim germany com www. 62 mb) virtual brand world. established since 1955: serafil, the outstanding product for shoes & accessories. - das herausragende produkt für schuhe und leder. construction type: continuous filament. bewährt seit 1955: serafil, das herausragende produkt für schuhe & accessoires. abrasion resistance of sewing threads. die farbkarte ist sehr umfangreich, wir haben ein sortiment an lagerfarben ( in der farbkarte gelb markiert) ausgewählt, diese können auch stückweise bestellt werden. for embroidering monograms and fine details. az amann group download center ingyenesen letölthető dokumentumokat kínál: irányelvek, prospektusok, tanúsítványok, színtrendek stb. the chart also conveniently lists recommended. alle anderen farben sind sonderfarben: siehe artikel serafil 40 sonderfarben im 5er pack erhältlich. hauptstraûebönnigheim germany phone. the download center of the amann group provides important documents for free download: guidelines, brochures, certificates, colour trends, and much more. color availability varies by product. 74 mb) digital colour card ( pdf, 3. - eleganter, sanfter glanz. the serafil color chart shows 72 colors and is made from real strands of thread so that you can actually see the color and properties of the thread. - für schließ- und ziernähte. make- up styles recommended needles nm size no. the serafil thread color chart by amann is a must have when you need that perfect color! for high- quality overedging not showing through. - beste nähleistung mit perfekter stichbildung. aus polyester multifilament, für eleganten, sanften glanz | nur von amann. the amann products saba, sabatex, sabaflex, isacord, serafil, n- tech and n- tech cs have been examined concerning. our management system is certified according to unser management- system ist zertifiziert gemäû. amann& söhne gmb h& co. com this information is for reference purposes only. amann& soehne gmbh& co. all amann serafil farbkarte pdf colours without obligation! product properties: the ideal sewing and embroidery thread for all fine materials. the ideal sewing and embroidery thread for all fine materials. amann sewing threads for shoes & accessories. lederbedarf, sattlerbedarf, schuhbedarf, lederwerkstatt. please choose and specific color code from color chart when ordering. delicate, silk- like, adaptive, semi- transparent. this color chart contains yarn- samples of 100 serafilyarn- colors from the company amann, as well as a table of yarns, arranged according to the color- number, so that you can find it faster, and additional productinformation. herewith you can see the colors, in the way they really look, contrary to photographed colors. product range ( pdf, 12. silk- like, adaptive, semi- transparent | only by amann. - strapazierfähig in der naht. made of polyester continuous filament, for subtle sheen | only by amann. kg hauptstraßebönnigheim - germany com · www. die farbkarte finden sie unter pdf. almost all products are even certified in accordance with the strict criteria of the oeko- tex® testing catalogue according to appendix 6. the chart features real thread wound around ten removable cards so you can easily compare the thread color to another material or object. please limit one chart per customer. - spezieller veredlungsprozess. polyester/ polyesterumspinnzwirn amann serafil farbkarte pdf i polyester/ polyester core spunpolyester multifilament, texturiert i polyester continuous filament, texturised group farbkarte colour card. amann& söhne gmbh& co. saba - farbkarte. color note: actual colors may differ due to printing variances. products are not harmful. alle farben unverbindlich! ideal for processing down. kg hauptstrasseboennigheim germany com www. com unser management- system ist zertifiziert gemäß our management system is certified according to. ul certificate n- tech cs. for all felling and blindstitching work.