9 Ways a Criminal Lawyer Will Help Your Case

9 Ways a Criminal Lawyer Will Help Your Case

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9 Ways a Criminal Lawyer Will Help Your Case

Feeling overwhelmed and anxious about facing criminal charges? You’re not alone. The legal maze can be intimidating, especially when your future is on the line. But here is the good news: you do not have to navigate it alone. 

With a skilled Criminal Lawyers Sydney by your side, you gain a dedicated ally committed to protecting your rights and freedom. They understand the complexities of the legal system, so you get the best assistance with your case. Wondering how exactly they can help? 


Let’s discover it in this blog post.


1. Minimise Your Risk


Some people worry that hiring a criminal lawyer is too expensive, but not hiring one can end up costing much more. For instance, without a lawyer, you risk facing serious consequences such as:


  • Being falsely or wrongly charged

  • Being found guilty when you are innocent

  • Being imprisoned when you shouldn't be

  • Having your DNA added to state or national databases

  • Losing your driver’s license when you rely on it for daily life

  • Facing job application difficulties due to a criminal record


That’s why you need to engage an experienced criminal lawyer in Sydney who can help you avoid these outcomes. When the stakes are high, the cost is worth it. So, at least, consult with a lawyer and explore possible opportunities. You’ll get a better clarity on the matter. 


2. Presenting Evidence Correctly


The rules of evidence in a criminal trial are complex, and unrepresented individuals often struggle with them. They might ask questions that don't comply with these rules, leading to frequent objections from the prosecution and interruptions by the court, which can prevent them from continuing that line of questioning. 


A skilled criminal lawyer in Sydney, on the other hand, knows how to frame questions appropriately and what should be asked to ensure compliance with evidence rules. They can also present legal arguments to the court to defend the relevance of a questioned line of inquiry. Additionally, they will also have a strategic plan for cross-examining witnesses, which can significantly influence your case's outcome.


3. Prevent Incarceration


In situations where you plead guilty or are found guilty after trial, and your case moves to a sentencing hearing, a criminal lawyer can assist you in avoiding imprisonment. Your lawyer possesses a deep understanding of sentencing laws relevant to your case and will present a plea in mitigation to your benefit.


Just as you wouldn't perform your own surgery, the same principle applies to criminal law cases. Thinking you can safeguard against undesirable outcomes without a criminal lawyer is a misconception. So, engaging an experienced criminal lawyer in Sydney is essential for ensuring the best possible outcome in your case.


4. Handle Your Bail Application Effectively


Being detained in custody while awaiting trial or finalisation of your criminal charges is not ideal. If the court denies your bail application, you can't have it reconsidered by the same court unless circumstances change. Therefore, it's crucial to get it right initially. A criminal lawyer will assist in preparing and presenting your bail application accurately, emphasising the necessary issues to argue for your release from custody.


5. Evaluating the Evidence 


Following the interview and investigation, the defence attorney will meticulously analyse the evidence. This involves preparing defences and formulating case strategies. Having your attorney examine the evidence offers insight into the prosecution's potential tactics.


6. Assisting with Jury Selection 


If your case proceeds to trial, your criminal defence attorney will play a key role in selecting jurors. This critical task can significantly influence the trial's outcome. An attorney uses various tools to ensure the jury is unbiased and potentially sympathetic to your case, enhancing your chances of a favourable verdict.


7. Bringing Unique and Powerful Skills 


Simply reading about criminal law doesn’t equate to being a lawyer. Top criminal defence attorneys possess a unique, powerful skill set that clients lack. They are highly detail-oriented, excel in communication, understand the workings of the criminal justice system, and can devise the best strategies for your defence. Defending against criminal charges requires a diverse array of skills, all aimed at achieving the best possible result.


8. Carrying Out a Comprehensive Investigation 


Do you know what has the power to change the course of a criminal case in an instant? It’s the facts and evidence of your case. But it’s not so easy to find them. One needs to have great experience and strategies to dig them out. Your criminal lawyer in Sydney is someone you should trust here!


Much like the police and prosecution do before pressing charges, a criminal defence lawyer will conduct a thorough investigation of the facts and circumstances surrounding your case. It primarily involves: 


  • Speaking with law enforcement about arrest procedures

  • Interviewing witnesses

  • Collecting additional evidence to develop potential defence strategies


A meticulous investigation such as this can reveal possibilities for reduced charges or even acquittal.


9. Negotiating with the Prosecutor 


The last for this list, your criminal lawyer in Sydney also has a key role in leveraging strategic thinking and strong communication skills to negotiate a plea bargain with the prosecutor. These negotiations can potentially lead to reduced charges or penalties, including lower fines, shorter incarceration, reduced probation periods, and more.


Final Word:

Now, you know why it is so important to engage a skilled criminal lawyer to navigate the complexities of the legal system effectively. If you are looking for skilled and experienced criminal lawyers in Sydney, get in touch with Oxford Lawyers. Your case will have a better chance of winning with this team. Good luck!