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1– 98: eea agreement : chap. the commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts to promote harmonisation of classification and labelling, emergency health response and preventive measures, and to adapt the annexes according to technical and scientific progress. 1272/ des europäischen parlaments und des rates vom 16. 6 at the 20 institute for health and consumer products ( ihcp) of the joint research centre in ispra,. to directive 67/ 548/ eec on dangerous substances ( directives 79/ 831/ eec and 92/ 32/ eec) european commission joint research centre eur 9 en institute for health and within the scheme of the notification of new substances ( directive 67/ 548/ eec) polymers are subject to special rules. this item of legislation is only available as the original ( as adopted by eu) version in pdf. die richtlinie 67/ 548/ ewg war eine richtlinie der europäischen wirtschaftsgemeinschaft zur angleichung der rechts- und verwaltungsvorschriften für den umgang mit gefährlichen stoffen. it was made under article 100 ( art. details of pdf the publication. juni 1967 durch den rat der ewg erlassen und insgesamt neunmal geändert ( 1. verordnung ( eg) nr. juli 1992 zur siebzehnten anpassung der richtlinie 67/ 548/ ewg des rates zur angleichung der rechts- und verwaltungsvorschriften für die einstufung, verpackung und kennzeichnung gefährlicher stoffe an den technischen fortschritt. 1– 98 ( de, fr, it, nl) danish special edition: series i volume 1967 p. juni 1967 zur angleichung der rechts- und verwaltungsvorschriften für die einstufung, verpackung und kennzeichnung gefährlicher stoffe. 67/ 548/ eec ( known as the dangerous substances directive). however, there are some known subsequent changes to council directive 67/ 548/ eec. 19 th is guidance document was developed as a reach implementation project ( rip pdf ) 3. directive 67/ 548/ eec. regelung ist außer kraft getreten. 67 548 ewg pdf it also details the modifications of directives 67/ 548/ eec, 1999/ 45/ ec and regulation ( ec) no 1907/. finnish special edition: chapter 15 volume 1 p. it is proposed to update the appendix of annex i to directive 76/ 769/ eec in order to govern these substances newly classified in the framework of directive 67/ 548/ eec. official journal 196, p. the term polymer was further defined in the 7th amendment ( 92/ 32/ eec) of the directive. 100 ( eec) journal reference: l196, 16. directive / 121/ ec of the european parliament and of the council amending council directive 67/ 548/ eec on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances in order to adapt it to regulation ( ec) no. richtlinien 67/ 548/ ewg und 88/ 379/ ewg des rates der europäischen union anmerkung des sekretariats*, * * einleitung das sekretariat möchte den sicherheitsausschuss darauf aufmerksam machen, dass die richtlinien 67/ 548/ ewg und 88/ 379/ ewg des rates der europäischen union, auf die in. richtlinie 92/ 69/ ewg der kommission vom 31. 1907/ concerning the registration. council directive 67/ 548/ eec of 27 june 1967 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances. richtlinie 67/ 548/ ewg des rates vom 27. dyrektywa rady z dnia 27 czerwca 1967 r. dezember über die einstufung, kennzeichnung und verpackung von stoffen und gemischen, zur änderung und aufhebung der richtlinien 67/ 548/ ewg und 1999/ 45/ eg und zur änderung der verordnung ( eg) nr. directive 67/ 548/ eec; directive on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances ( text with eea relevance) made by: council: made under: art. 67 official journal of the european communities 1 196 no / councildirective tuneof27 1967 onthe approximation, oflaws regulations andadministrative provisions relating tothe, classification packaging andlabellingof dangeroussubstances/ eecdirective/ mustbe restrictedto the approximationof; provisions relatingto dangeroussubstances. view changes to legislation for this legislation item. the dangerous substances directive [ 1] ( as amended) was one of the main european union laws concerning chemical safety, until its full replacement by the new regulation clp regulation ( ), starting in. document 31967l0548. die richtlinie über gefährliche stoffe ist der erste harmonisierungstext im bereich chemischer stoffe. manual of decisions for implementation of the sixth and seventh amendments to directive 67/ 548/ eec on dangerous substances ( directives 79/ 831/ eec and 92/ 32/ eec). 94 in a consolidated version) [ 2] of the treaty of rome. w sprawie zbliżenia przepisów ustawodawczych, wykonawczych i administracyjnych odnoszących się do klasyfikacji, pakowania i etykietowania substancji niebezpiecznych. this twenty- ninth amendment will insert 346 entries containing substances newly classified or re- classified under commission directive / 73/ ec in the appendix of 67 548 ewg pdf annex i to. 18 directive 67/ 548/ eec, and is written for the experts within the respective fields. the levels of supply at which further testing may either be requested or become necessary are described in article 7( 2) of directive 92/ 32/ eec ( the seventh amendment to directive 67/ 548/ eec). the following categories are defined ( in directive 92/ 32/ eec) :. 1907/ ( text von bedeutung für den ewr).