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Steel C45E is suitable for mean loaded parts of higher dimensions Preparation of samplesThe following samples shall be taken from one sample product of each test unit: for normalized (+N) or quenched and tempered (+QT) products one sample for tensile testing; for quenched and tempered (+QT) products one sample for one set of six impact test pieces (see) The steels are generally intended for the manufacture of quenched and tempered, flame or induction hardened machine parts, but can also be used in the normalized condition (see EN). Where applicable, the requirements for mechanical properties given in EN and EN are restricted to the relevant tables in these documents conditions given in the relevant tables of EN and EN View on Information Provider site BS EN Steels for quenching and temperingPartGeneral technical delivery conditions Description This part of EN specifies the general technical delivery requirements for semi-finished products, hot formed, e.g. Other historical ,  · EN (E)Foreword This document (EN) has been prepared by Technical Committee ECISS/TCSteels for heat treatment, alloy Multi-part DocumentBS ENQuenched and tempered steels. blooms, billets, slabs (see NOTESand 3), bars (see NOTE 2), rod, wide flats, hot-rolled strip and sheet/plate, forgings (see NOTE 2) manufactured from the direct hardening non alloy steels for quenching and tempering (see EN), the direct hardening alloy steels for Hot rolled narrow steel stripTolerances on dimensions and shape. EN This standard differs from DIN EN, DIN EN and DIN as follows: a) This series of standards (DIN EN to) has been thematically restructured. EN Continuously hot rolled low carbon steel sheet and strip for cold formingTechnical delivery conditions. British Standards Online (BSOL). This is a multi-part document divided into the Together with Partand Partof this standard this partis a revision of the following European Standards: EN +A, Quenched and tempered steels – Quenched and tempered steelsPartTechnical delivery conditions for special steels (includes Amendment A) (FOREIGN STANDARD) The document applies for  · DIN ENSteels for quenching and temperingPartGeneral technical delivery conditions; German version EN Inform now! EN Grade C45E quenched and tempered (+QT) View suppliersDownload Description. Previously, the three parts were divided up as follows: PartTechnical delivery conditions for special steels blooms Find the most up-to-date version of BS EN at GlobalSpec. blooms, billets, slabs, bars, rod, wide flats, Steels for quenching and temperingPartGeneral technical delivery conditions; German version EN (Foreign Standard) This part of EN specifies the ENFree download as PDF File.pdf), Text File.txt) or read online for free BS EN is maintained by ISE/ This standard is available from the following sources: BSI Knowledge. Requirements for semi-finished products, bars, rod, wire flats, hot or cold rolled sheet/plate and strip and hammer and drop forgings made from direct hardening unalloyed or alloyed steels EN Steels for quenching and temperingFree download as PDF File.pdf), Text File.txt) or read online for free. General delivery conditions This part of EN specifies the general technical delivery requirements for semi-finished products, hot formed, e.g. EN Steels for quenching and temperingPartTechnical delivery conditions for non alloy steels. ,  · This part of EN specifies the general technical delivery requirements for semi-finished products, hot formed, e.g.